*Kota, The City Police's Fourth Circle team, led by Deputy Superintendent of Police Manish Sharma, successfully conducted three separate operations on Saturday, resulting in the arrest of individuals involved in a fake ghee manufacturing factory, a cannabis smuggler, and a suspect in a life-threatening assault.
City Superintendent of Police Dr. Amrita Duhan, IPS, stated that under the direction of Additional Superintendent of Police Dilip Kumar Saini, RPS, multiple police teams were formed under the supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police Manish Sharma at Mahaveer Nagar police station. These teams, operating under Sharma's close monitoring, carried out raids at various locations, leading to the apprehension of the suspects.
**Fake Ghee Manufacturing Factory Busted:**
The first operation took place in the Rangbadi area of Mahaveer Nagar, where the police uncovered a fake ghee manufacturing factory. Acting on information that fake ghee was being produced under the names of popular brands like Saras and Paras in a rented house in Ekta Colony, the police conducted a raid. They seized a total of 20 tins of fake ghee (each containing 15 liters), one iron drum containing 75 kilograms of prepared fake ghee, raw materials used in the production, and a WagonR car from the factory. The raid was conducted in collaboration with the Food Safety Officer (FSO) and representatives from Saras and Paras dairies, who were present at the scene. A case was registered based on their complaints, and samples were taken by the Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) team. The search for the main accused behind the fake ghee factory is ongoing.
**Attempted Murder Arrest:**
In a second operation, the police arrested two individuals involved in a life-threatening assault on a young man in the Mahaveer Nagar area. The attack, which was fueled by an old rivalry, was carried out using iron pipes. The police recovered the weapon used in the attack and arrested the suspects.
**Cannabis Smuggler Apprehended:**
In a third operation within the Mahaveer Nagar police jurisdiction, the police seized 12 kilograms and 951 grams of illegal cannabis and arrested the accused involved in the smuggling operation. The motorcycle used in the crime was also confiscated.
These successful operations by Deputy Superintendent of Police Manish Sharma's team demonstrate the city's commitment to curbing crime and maintaining law and order in Kota.