Kota: Congress candidate Prahlad Gunjal, contesting from the Kota-Bundi Lok Sabha constituency, engaged in extensive grassroots interactions through corner meetings and roadshows in Indragarh, Lakhheri, Kapren, and Ladpura assembly segments on Saturday. Gunjal expressed that when the people of Kota-Bundi began questioning the accomplishments and developments in their area over the past 10 years under Mr. Birla's leadership, Mr. Birla, who considered himself the country's third most powerful figure and successfully managed to position himself as a star campaigner for the BJP, felt threatened by certain defeat. Consequently, Mr. Birla, who had previously never visited Kota during his tenure, was now compelled to bring in a star campaigner to Kota.
Gunjal highlighted that the people have decided to scrutinize Mr. Birla's 10-year performance record before casting their votes, emphasizing that when a person votes, they don't just cast a ballot but also entrust their faith for five years. He pointed out the need for change in Kota-Bundi, asserting that the people have resolved to not send Mr. Birla back to Parliament this time.
The people of Kota are demanding answers regarding the lack of developments such as an airport, sugar mill, establishment of institutions like IIT and AIIMS in Kota, and the failure to develop Kota's industrial environment. Gunjal stressed that even Amit Shah couldn't articulate what work has been done in ten years by Mr. Birla. Amit Shah evaded questions from the media and left without addressing them.