Udaipur, The Biotech Department of Bhupal Nobles University, under the Faculty of Science, successfully organized the cultural event "Geneger 2024-25." The event featured enthusiastic participation from both students and faculty members. Dean of Science, Dr. Renu Rathore, and Associate Dean, Dr. Ritu Tomar, inaugurated the event by lighting the lamp.
Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Head of the Biotech Department, shared that the students' performances, ranging from traditional to Bollywood styles, captivated the audience. The event was filled with dance, music, and theatrical presentations, where students participated with great joy. The highlight of the program was the "Mr. and Miss Geneger 2024-25" competition, with Ankit Mehta and Bhavika Audichya winning the titles, respectively.
In addition, awards for Best Dance, Best Group Dance, and Iconic Bollywood Character were also given. The Biotech faculty members, Dr. Vipin Nagda, Dr. Tanvi Agarwal, and Dr. Krishnaveer Singh Jhala, encouraged and supported the students throughout the event.