Udaipur, The National Tribal Festival, celebrating the 150th birth anniversary of Bhagwan Birsa Munda, kicked off on Friday evening at Shilpgram’s open-air auditorium. The event was graced by Chief Guest, MP Mannalal Rawat, and Special Guest, Chief Medical and Health Officer, Udaipur, Dr. S.L. Bamaniya.
The festival began with a lighting ceremony, followed by vibrant cultural performances by tribal artists from across the country. Nearly 150 artists participated, presenting traditional dances and performances from various regions, including Gawari and Sahria Swang from Rajasthan, Rathwa from Gujarat, Saungi Masks from Maharashtra, Kunbi from Goa, and Karma dance from Chhattisgarh. The performances captivated the audience and celebrated India’s rich tribal heritage.
On the second day, 16th November, a theatrical presentation, "Birsa Munda," based on his life, will be performed at the Darpan Auditorium, Shilpgram, at 7 PM. The event is free for the public.
Additionally, a five-day painting exhibition, featuring works on the theme “Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat,” was inaugurated by MP Mannalal Rawat. The exhibition, showcasing the creative talent of artists, received praise for its depiction of unity and diversity in India.