Udaipur: Ganesh Chaturthi was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Neerja Modi School. Secretary Reena Sojatia and Trustee Nehal Sojatia brought the Ganesh idol to the campus, where it was installed with devotion and reverence. The school was beautifully decorated with flowers and rangolis to welcome Lord Ganesha.
The students joyfully participated in the festivities, chanting slogans in honor of Ganpati’s arrival. They actively joined in the aarti, praying for a bright future and seeking blessings from Lord Ganesha. After the prayers, the children received prasad and filled the atmosphere with even more excitement.
Chairman Dr. Mahendra Sojatia addressed the students, explaining the significance of Ganesh Chaturthi. He highlighted the lessons from Lord Ganesha’s life, especially the respect and reverence one should have for parents. He shared the story of Ganesha and Kartikeya to illustrate the importance of family, emphasizing that knowledge, wisdom, and prosperity come from honoring one’s parents.
He also introduced the students to the teachings of Ahimsa during Paryushan, drawing inspiration from the life of Lord Mahavira, urging everyone to follow the path of non-violence.
Director Sakshi Sojatia extended her heartfelt wishes to the students and school family on the occasion, praying for peace, prosperity, and happiness for all. She encouraged the children to embrace the positivity of the festival in their lives. The celebration concluded with the offering of sweets to Lord Ganesha, followed by the distribution of prasad, further elevating the joyful spirit of the day.