###MagNus Hospital Receives Notice from Udaipur CMHO

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07 Jul 24
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###MagNus Hospital Receives Notice from Udaipur CMHO

In a significant development, Dr. Shankarlal Bamaniya, Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO) of Udaipur, has issued a notice to Magnus Hospital located in the Meera Nagar area of Bhuvana, Udaipur. The hospital has been directed to immediately halt new patient admissions pending response to a notice within five days.

Dr. Bamaniya stated that a recent investigation committee, initiated by Mr. Arvind Poswal, Chairman of the District Registration Authority, was formed following allegations of severe negligence in the treatment of Ms. Apoorva Joshi's son, Mr. Yogesh Joshi's wife. According to the committee's findings, the hospital's actions have tarnished the medical department's reputation and displayed irresponsible practices affecting patients and the public adversely.

Referring to the committee's report citing four critical points, CMHO Dr. Bamaniya emphasized the apparent negligence endangering patients' health and why no legal action had been taken under the Clinical Establishment Act 2010 and its regulations. The notice stated that such actions fall under misconduct and unethical practices, potentially damaging the hospital's integrity and public trust in medical professions.

**Immediate Suspension of New Patient Admissions:**

In accordance with provisions under the Act regarding patient health risks, the District Registration Authority will finalize decisions in its upcoming meeting. Meanwhile, Magnus Hospital is instructed to continue treating previously admitted patients while a temporary suspension on new admissions is imposed effective immediately upon receipt of the notice. The district committee on registration may proceed with legal action against the hospital, including temporary registration cancellation under the Registration and Regulation Act 2010, depending on their response within the next five working days.

Dr. Bamaniya warned that failure to provide a satisfactory response within the stipulated time could lead to further legal actions against the hospital.

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