### Dr. Dinesh Kharadi to be Honored with the 'Atal Seva Shri Award'

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08 Dec 24
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### Dr. Dinesh Kharadi to be Honored with the 'Atal Seva Shri Award'

Dr. Dinesh Kharadi, former Chief Medical and Health Officer of Udaipur, currently working at the Medical and Hospital Department in Dungarpur, will be honored with the prestigious 'Atal Seva Shri Award' at the Bharat-Nepal Cultural Conference. The event, organized by the National Samta Swatantra Manch Jaipur, will take place on December 16, 2024, at Ratan Bagh Garden, West Vihar, Jaipur, from 11 AM to 4 PM.

Dr. Kharadi is being recognized for his outstanding contributions to the medical field and his continuous efforts towards social welfare. The conference aims to revive the Vedic culture of India and Nepal and work towards securing permanent membership for India in the United Nations Security Council with veto power.

The chief guest for the event will be Shri Ravikaran Sahu, Cabinet Minister of the Madhya Pradesh Government, while the keynote speaker will be Mahavir Prasad Toradi, the distinguished advisor to the first Vice President of Nepal.

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