### Dr. Ranganathan Made Library Knowledge Universally Accessible: Prof. Karunesh Saxena

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132nd Birth Anniversary of the Father of Library Science, Dr. S.R. Ranganathan

### Dr. Ranganathan Made Library Knowledge Universally Accessible: Prof. Karunesh Saxena

**Bhilwara, — The Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Sangam University organized a symposium titled "Dr. Ranganathan: Personality and Works" to commemorate the 132nd birth anniversary of Dr. S.R. Ranganathan, the father of library science. The event took place in the university's central library auditorium.

The symposium featured Prof. Karunesh Saxena, Vice-Chancellor of Sangam University, as the chief guest. Registrar Prof. Rajeev Mehta and Dr. Anil Sharma, Head of the Department, were the distinguished guest and keynote speaker, respectively. The event was presided over by Prof. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and Pro Vice-Chancellor of the university.

In his keynote address, Dr. Anil Sharma provided an inspirational overview of Dr. Ranganathan's life and his significant contributions. Prof. Karunesh Saxena, in his speech, highlighted that Dr. Ranganathan liberated the knowledge contained in books from traditional restrictive practices and made it easily accessible to readers. He introduced five laws of library science that transformed libraries into vibrant, universally useful spaces through open access.

Registrar Prof. Rajeev Mehta described the library as the heart of any educational institution, where knowledge flows continuously to all branches. Presiding over the event, Prof. Manas Ranjan Panigrahi emphasized Dr. Ranganathan's pivotal role in establishing library science as a vocational subject.

The symposium was attended by Associate Deans Dr. Zorawar Singh Ranawat and Dr. Hitkaran Singh Ranawat, Dr. Abhishek Srivastava, Dr. Rameshwar Raikwar, Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Pramila Chaube, Abhishek Parashar, Gopal Bhambi, and Anil Salvi.

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