District Judge Inspects District Jail

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District Judge Inspects District Jail

As per the directives of the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority, on November 22, 2024, District Legal Services Authority Pratapgarh President, Shri Omi Purohit (District and Sessions Judge), along with Shri Kedar Nath (Additional District and Sessions Judge), conducted an inspection of the District Jail.

During the inspection, the Secretary of the District Legal Services Authority informed the inmates that they can avail of free legal assistance under the Rajasthan State Legal Services Authority’s scheme, especially if they fall within the prescribed criteria or are financially incapable. He also interacted with the inmates and informed them that if they did not have legal representation for their cases, they could avail themselves of a free lawyer under the Authority’s legal aid scheme.

Additionally, the inmates were provided with information regarding their rights. The inspection team included Deputy Legal Aid Defense Counsel Advocate Dinesh Chandra Telkar, Advocate Dipendra Singh Chouhan, and Para Legal Volunteer Ravi Kant from the Authority.

The inspection aimed to ensure that prisoners were informed about their legal rights and the available legal aid services.

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