Diwali Get-Together Organized at DPS Udaipur

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30 Oct 24
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Diwali Get-Together Organized at DPS Udaipur

Saturday was a memorable evening for DPS Udaipur, as the school management invited all staff members and their families to celebrate the Diwali festival with a communal feast. Each guest received gifts as tokens of good wishes. 

The Diwali get-together began with the lighting of auspicious lamps, creating a serene and joyful atmosphere during the chanting of bhajans and the Sundarkand Chalisa. Traditional dances, including Ghoomar and Gidda, performed by the teachers added vibrancy to the celebrations, while solo and group dances captivated everyone present. 

Attendees relished a variety of delicious dishes, and the air was filled with laughter and joy, accompanied by the excitement of fireworks. Pro Vice Chairman Mr. Govind Agarwal remarked that the Diwali get-together, true to its name, fostered a spirit of harmony. He expressed gratitude to all staff members and their families for making the event memorable and emphasized that every teacher is like a lamp, illuminating the lives of countless students with their knowledge.

Principal Mr. Sanjay Narvariya expressed his appreciation for the management, staff, and their families for strengthening the bonds of love, trust, and unity. He extended heartfelt Diwali wishes to everyone.

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