Kashish Kalsua, a 12th-grade student of CPS School, has been selected for the National School Sports Competition in the 19-year girls' cricket category. The competition will be held in Udaipur from January 28 to February 3. Kashish had previously performed excellently in the state-level competition and earned the title of Best Batswoman. Following this, she performed well in the National Pre-training Camp held from January 12 to 13, securing a place in the Rajasthan team for the national competition.
On this occasion, the Chairperson of the school, Mrs. Alka Sharma, Administrative Director Mr. Anil Sharma, Director Mr. Deepak Sharma, Joint Director Mr. Vikram Jeet Singh Shekhawat, Principal Mrs. Poonam Rathod, Administrator Mr. Sunil Babel, and Headmistress Mrs. Krishna Shaktawat congratulated Kashish and wished her a bright future.