On Saturday, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi virtually launched the distribution of 6.5 million property cards in around 50,000 villages across the country under the Svamitva Scheme. During the event, he also interacted with the beneficiaries holding property cards. The district-level event in Jaisalmer was organized at the Badminton Court in Police Lines, presided over by Raj Minister Shri K.K. Vishnoi and MLA Shri Chhotu Singh Bhati. A total of 2,418 property cards were distributed in 69 gram panchayats in the district.
Raj Minister Shri Vishnoi stated that the Svamitva Scheme provides rural residents with legal ownership of their homes, empowering them economically. MLA Shri Bhati emphasized that this initiative would be a boon for the rural people of Jaisalmer district. District Head Pratap Singh Soulki called this scheme a significant benefit for the villagers.
During the event, various dignitaries symbolically distributed property cards to beneficiaries. The occasion also saw the administration of oaths on cleanliness and drug-free initiatives. CEO Sunita Choudhary mentioned that, in the first phase, 2,418 people across 69 gram panchayats received property cards.