Udaipur : A preparatory meeting for the upcoming Chief Minister Employment Festival, scheduled for September 17, was held on Saturday under the direction of District Collector and chaired by ADM (Administration) Deependra Singh Rathore. The district-level event will take place at the Sukhadia Rangmanch Auditorium of the Udaipur Municipal Corporation, where Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma will also engage in a virtual dialogue with the newly appointed staff.
During the meeting, ADM Rathore reviewed the details of newly appointed personnel from various departments and instructed all relevant departmental officials to ensure their presence at the Employment Festival. He also directed the appointment of in-charge officers for the event and the allocation of duties for the registration of new personnel. Additionally, ADM Rathore requested District Employment Officer Sanket Modi and CMHO Dr. Shankar Bamaniya to prepare for welcoming the new recruits and providing them with welcome kits. He also instructed to invite all public representatives and ensure necessary arrangements at the event venue by Municipal Corporation's Superintending Engineer Mukesh Pujari.
ADM Rathore mentioned that Chief Minister Bhajanlal Sharma will conduct a virtual dialogue with the selected new appointees during the event. Instructions were given for identifying and notifying the personnel for this virtual interaction. The meeting was attended by Additional Chief Executive Officer Tahir Anjum and various departmental officials.