Ravindra Singh Chouhan Elected President of Timber and Plywood Association Udaipur

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14 Sep 24
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Ravindra Singh Chouhan Elected President of Timber and Plywood Association Udaipur

In the general assembly meeting of the Timber and Plywood Association Udaipur, the current President Mr. Sushil Banthia presented his term report and dissolved the existing executive committee. A proposal for forming a new executive committee was put forth, and the members unanimously approved the following new committee:

- President: Ravindra Singh Chouhan
- Secretary: Kirti Soni
- Treasurer: Abhishek Jain
- Patrons: Shailendra Lodha, Gajendra Jodhawat, and Rautji Bhai Sushil Banthia

At the end of the meeting, the newly elected President outlined his term's agenda, and the Secretary expressed gratitude. 


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