Udaipur: The Faculty of Education at Mohanlal Sukhadia University celebrated Mathematics Day with a special event. The program was attended by the Chief Guest, Dr. Alpana Singh, Dean of the Faculty, along with faculty members Dr. Sapna Mawatwal and Dr. Kirti Jain. The event began with the lighting of the lamp before the idol of Maa Saraswati.
The program included three rounds, open to all participants. The first round focused on teaching and application, the second round was a number puzzle, and the third round featured a number riddle. Students from various classes actively participated in the quiz.
In her address, Dr. Alpana Singh emphasized that challenges can be faced through effective communication and that mastering mathematics enables an individual to gain valuable skills for life. Dr. Sapna Mawatwal and Dr. Kirti Jain also addressed the gathering, sharing their insights.
The event was coordinated by Rahul Suthar and Yash Kohli, while Dr. Munmun Sharma and Kiran Ranawat extended a warm welcome to all. The closing remarks and vote of thanks were delivered by Mrs. Kiran Ranawat.
The event was made successful with the active participation of the students from the Mathematics Department, who played an important role in organizing the program. Students from various years, including first-year, second-year, third-year, fourth-year B.Ed. first-year, and M.Ed. first and second-year, were present at the event.