On January 10, 2025, Dr. Ajit Kumar Karnataka, the Vice-Chancellor of MPUAT, inaugurated the Green Energy Technology Park and Lab at the Electrical Engineering Department of CTAE, Udaipur. These state-of-the-art facilities aim to promote sustainable energy solutions among students.
The Green Energy Technology Park features student-made projects, including solar-based PV thermal RO, distillation water plant, greenhouse, PV thermal dryer, CCTV cameras, bicycles, and sprayers. Meanwhile, the Green Technology Lab houses solar and wind energy systems, divided into three sections: hardware, software, and testing systems.
Additionally, Dr. Karnataka launched the "Self NPTEL Local Chapter," which offers online academic and professional courses for students, aligning with the new education policy.
This initiative makes MPUAT the first agricultural university in Rajasthan to introduce the NPTEL Local Chapter.