Discount Offered for Lump-Sum Payment of Outstanding Irrigation Fees

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03 Sep 24
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Sri Ganganagar,  In a recent meeting held at the Ganga Canal SE office, the Water Resources Department discussed various issues with executive engineers, project chairmen, and water distribution committee chairpersons.

Dheeraj Chawla, Chief Engineer of Water Resources, Sri Ganganagar, informed attendees about a state government directive. According to the order, a discount on the accrued interest will be provided for lump-sum payments of outstanding irrigation fees if paid by March 31, 2024. Participants were instructed to prepare and submit a list of outstanding dues for Kharif 2023 by September 17. This list will be made available at the Water Users' Association office, distribution committee offices, project chairman's office, and assistant engineer's office, and also uploaded on the Ganga Canal app.

Following this, the executive engineers will issue a 15-day notice in newspapers. By October 5, the Water Users' Association chairpersons must submit a list of farmers who have not cleared their dues to the executive engineers. The engineers will then cut the water supply for the defaulters by October 15 and the Water Users' Association will distribute the water according to the revised schedules.

Chawla also noted issues regarding the maintenance and cleanliness of the canals. It was reported that some water users' associations have not been properly cleaning their designated areas, affecting the tail-end regions. Distribution committee chairpersons have been instructed to send a list of these areas and associations to the project chairman, who will ensure the necessary cleaning.

Furthermore, the executive engineers were directed to prepare proposals for repairing bridges where silt has accumulated, and to submit proposals for permanent repairs to canals that were previously damaged and temporarily fixed by the water users' associations.

The meeting also addressed the payment of HR arrears in the section offices. Engineers were instructed to expedite these payments and hold meetings with assistant engineers to ensure prompt reporting and payment of any pending HR dues.

Additionally, the weekly meeting of the Ganga Canal Regulation Subcommittee discussed the absence of project chairmen and distribution committee chairpersons, highlighting the negative impact of their non-attendance. Attendees agreed to ensure their presence in the next meeting.


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