Prime Minister's Matru Vandana Scheme Enhanced

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11 Sep 24
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Rs. 10,000 Assistance for Disabled Pregnant Women

Prime Minister's Matru Vandana Scheme Enhanced

In a notable initiative by Chief Minister Shri Bhajanlal Sharma, the Prime Minister's Matru Vandana Scheme (PMMVY) has been enhanced to provide greater support to disabled pregnant women. Effective September 1, the financial assistance for the first child under this scheme has been increased from Rs. 6,500 to Rs. 10,000. This increase will be disbursed through 100% state funds via Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT).

Despite significant progress in many areas, malnutrition continues to adversely affect a large number of women in India. One in three women in the country is undernourished, and every second woman suffers from anemia. Malnourished mothers often give birth to low-weight infants. When malnutrition begins in the womb, it often persists throughout the individual's life and is mostly irreversible. Due to economic and social hardships, many women continue working for their families until the final days of pregnancy and resume work shortly after childbirth, even when their bodies are not fully prepared. This can prevent them from fully recovering and breastfeeding their infants in the critical first six months.

Understanding these challenges, Chief Minister Shri Bhajanlal Sharma has increased the existing support of Rs. 6,500 to Rs. 10,000 starting September 1. This initiative aims to strengthen both the health and economic status of women.

Mrs. Sumitra Bishnoi, Deputy Director of the Department of Women and Child Development, announced that under the revised budget for the fiscal year 2024-25, the financial assistance for disabled pregnant women under the PMMVY has been raised to Rs. 10,000 for the first child. The enhanced amount of Rs. 3,500 will be disbursed in three installments through 100% state funds via DBT.

She explained that the first installment, previously Rs. 3,000 for registration at an Anganwadi center and at least one prenatal health check-up, has been increased to Rs. 4,000. The second installment, previously Rs. 1,500 for childbirth, has been raised to Rs. 3,000. The third installment, previously Rs. 2,000 for completing all vaccinations up to fourteen weeks of the child's age, has been increased to Rs. 3,000. All payments will be made through DBT by the state government.

Mrs. Bishnoi further clarified that the increased amount of Rs. 3,500 will be provided to women with partial (40%) or complete disability, based on certification. Disabled pregnant women eligible for any installment as of September 1 or later will receive the enhanced amount through DBT, fully funded by the state government.

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