Hanumangarh: Anil Jandu has been appointed as the District Media Coordinator for the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) Kisan Morcha. This decision was made to enhance the success of the BJP's nationwide campaign, the Gram Parikrama Yatra, for which the Kisan Morcha has formed committees at the state and district levels.
At the state level, a six-member State Committee has been constituted, and at the district level, eight-member District Committees have been established. According to the list released by the state BJP office, Anil Jandu has taken on the role of District Media Coordinator for Hanumangarh. The district committee includes Sunil Beniwal as the District Coordinator, Bhagwan Singh Khudi as the Deputy Coordinator, along with other members like Ranjeet Singh Barad, Radhakrishna Puniya, Ravi Gill, Ramswaroop Mahla, Anil Jandu as the District Media Coordinator, and Subhash Dhaka as the Social Media Coordinator. The committee aims to contribute to the success of the Gram Parikrama Yatra and strengthen the BJP's outreach to farmers.