Robotic Surgery Unit to be set up in Mathuradas Mathur Hospital, Jodhpur

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21 Mar 23
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Chief Minister approves Rs 48.50 crore

Robotic Surgery Unit to be set up in Mathuradas Mathur Hospital, Jodhpur

Jaipur, A robotic surgery unit will be set up at Mathuradas Mathur (MDM) Hospital in Jodhpur. For this, various equipment of new technology worth Rs 48.50 crore will be purchased.

Chief Minister Shri Ashok Gehlot has approved the proposal for establishment of unit for expansion of medical facilities. With this unit, patients will be treated through controlled and more precise surgery. In robotic surgery, state-of-the-art surgical systems are used by the surgens

It is worth mentioning that in the budget of the year 2023-24, the robotic surgery unit was announced by the Chief Minister in the MDM hospital.



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