Big Dreams Lead to Big Goals Achieved: Prof. Gaurav Vallabh"

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17 Sep 23
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Address to Students in CTAE Induction Program

Big Dreams Lead to Big Goals Achieved: Prof. Gaurav Vallabh"

Udaipur. On the 13th day of the CTAE Induction Program, a renowned management speaker, Prof. Gaurav Vallabh, delivered a speech. The program began with a welcome address by the patron, Prof. P.K. Singh.

In his speech, Prof. Gaurav Vallabh shared five principles with technical students. He advised first-year technical students to set their goals from the very first day—be it a job or entrepreneurship—and commit to it. As the second principle, he motivated students towards innovation and explained how innovation can be turned into entrepreneurship, creating not just employment for themselves but also for others.

In the third principle, he encouraged students to develop an aptitude for solving problems, ensuring that they find solutions that endure over time. The fourth principle focused on students staying away from the negative impact of platforms like Facebook and Instagram and instead, making a positive contribution. He inspired students to use these platforms in constructive ways.

As the fifth principle, he explained how students should have a global mindset when working on any innovation, aiming not only to benefit themselves but also to elevate the nation to an international level.

Coordinator Dr. Dave mentioned that nearly 400 students benefited from Dr. Gaurav Vallabh's speech and gained mental and spiritual inspiration. Prof. Sunil Joshi concluded the event with a vote of thanks.

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