Staging a poetic drama rooted in mythology is a formidable challenge, but the performance of "Krounch Vadh," a poetic play by the renowned Hindi writer Vijendra, successfully overcame this hurdle. The play was staged on August 11, 2024, at Lok Kala Mandal, Udaipur, as a collaboration between the Performers Cultural Society and Lok Kala Mandal. Under the adept direction of Dr. Laique Hussain, the production turned a complex dramatic piece into a spectacular theatrical success.
#### **Valmiki’s Conflict Explored Through Compelling Performances**
"Krounch Vadh" delves into the troubled conscience of the sage Valmiki, exploring his inner conflicts triggered by various paradoxical situations. These include his frustration at being unable to create something of universal value, the traumatic killing of a male krounch bird by the hunter Nishad during a moment of intimate ecstasy with its partner, and the resulting grief and regret Valmiki feels after cursing the hunter. These conflicts are further deepened through interactions with Narad, his disciple Bhardwaj, Nishad, and Lord Brahma, symbolizing the contradictions and paradoxes of human life. The play also highlights the birth of the shloka, the 32-syllabic meter known as anustup chhand, which Valmiki uses to compose the epic Ramayana.
Divyansh Nagda, portraying Valmiki, captured the character's complexities through expressive dialogue and movement. Despite the potential for monotony in long dialogues, Dr. Laique Hussain's careful editing ensured the play's essential message remained intact, allowing Divyansh’s performance to shine with vitality and depth.
#### **Supporting Cast and Technical Brilliance Enhance the Experience**
The supporting cast, including Prakhar as Narad, Vishal Chittora as Brahma, Sudhanshu Aada as Bhardwaj, and others, delivered commendable performances that contributed to the smooth progression of the play. Their well-timed entries and exits ensured the play’s momentum remained unbroken.
Technically, the production excelled in its use of symbolic objects to create the setting. Small plants and branches evoked a forest ambiance, while a manually-pulled cart represented a royal chariot. Blue fabric symbolized a river, and a static bird model depicted the dead krounch, showcasing the creativity of set designer Prabuddha Pandya. The costumes, designed by Pragnesh Pandya, were well-chosen and evocative of Valmiki’s era.
#### **A Revival of Theatrical Excellence in Udaipur**
In conclusion, the performance of "Krounch Vadh" stands as a sincere and praiseworthy effort to revive the golden days of theatre in Udaipur. The collaboration between Performers Cultural Society and Lok Kala Mandal, coupled with the director's vision and the cast's dedication, resulted in a memorable theatrical experience.