The New Parliament of New India is taking shape

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31 Mar 23
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The New Parliament of New India is taking shape

New Delhi. On Thursday evening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi saw the new Parliament of New India construction works taking shape in the Parliament House and met the labor heroes engaged in constructing the grand building under construction and addressed them as modern Vishwakarma.
The Prime Minister also encouraged the officers and engineers to monitor the works of the new Parliament House, watch the progress, and give them the necessary guidelines.
Seeing the interior scenes of the new triangular-shaped Parliament building, many M.P.sM.P.s exclaimed that India had a selfless and great priest of the temple of democracy, from whose vision we are getting to see a new look of this modern building. This unique gift of the nectar of independence will be able to fulfill its potential to absorb the growing number of parliamentarians in the future.

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