SPSU :Launches First Career Club at Alok Senior School, Udaipur

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26 Aug 23
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SPSU :Launches First Career Club at Alok Senior School, Udaipur

Udaipur: sir Padmapat Sindhiya University, Bhatevar, Udaipur, inaugurated the first Career Club at Alok Senior School, Udaipur. Prof{Dr.} Padmakali Banerjee, Vice-Chancellor of SPSU, highlighted that the main objective of this club is to encourage vocational education and skill development in students at the school level, in line with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

Through the Career Club, seminars and workshops will be organized on subjects such as robotics, artificial intelligence, effective communication, public speaking, vocational education, and skill development.

Psychometric tests will help students identify specific traits, aiding in determining their future activities. This initiative will assist parents and students in achieving their goals.

Assistant Professor Dr.KD  Gupta from SPSU provided comprehensive insights about the forthcoming activities through the Career Club, motivating students to embrace unique opportunities and contribute to nation-building.

Mr. Shashank Tank, Principal of AlokSchool, commended Prpf {Dr.} Padmakali Banerjee, Vice-Chancellor of SPSU, for establishing career clubs in schools.

Mr. Virendra Gupta from SPSU expressed gratitude to the Principal of AlokSchool on this occasion. Seminars and workshops will also be organized for parents through the Career Club.

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