Mental stability. 

( 4156 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 20 Mar, 23 09:03

Sulekha Shrivastava

 Mental stability. 

                You are lost in the illusion of the world, sometimes for the fulfillment of duty, sometimes for the sake of entertainment, sometimes for the fulfillment of desire, sometimes for the sake of necessity, you keep on doing karma in different ways. Age grows day by day. You are losing life day by day. 
                  Suddenly time starts changing. In you, spiritual tendencies begin to emerge. You begin to see everything and every event around you from a new perspective. The meaning of things is no longer so shallow. Now their depth begins to make sense for you. Slowly events took place many years before, also starts producing forth new meanings. New  meanings start to appear. The seriousness starts descending in your personality. Then the various attractions of the material world start losing their existence. You were already a theist, but now your theism also starts increasing.Now your mind after taking occasional rest from the material world, starts entering the spiritual world. You start moving towards worship, meditation, penance etc. You grow your interest more and more in spiritual activities. 
                  Now you feel more fortunate than those who are still lost in illusion of the material world, while at least you are on the path of finding God. Slowly You will gain the knowledge and understand that the things which used to entertain you in the material world, have now start appearing  in the spiritual world also in their changed form and are ready to welcom you here also.That means the pleasure is not only in the material world but also is present in the spiritual world.
                   The spiritual path is new. It has its own temptations, hopes and possibilities. Being a new path, for some time, it goes on attracting you.  Then gradually the mind starts getting bored with the same uniformity. Again it turns towards the material world. The material world has not gone anywhere.You only have left it, so you only hold it back. This sequence continues in the lives of many people, many times, for many births and births. New things in different forms,       in different colors and styles, keep influencing you in various ways. . People are serious and careful at times but they also fall at other times. This goes on. 
                    Friends, have you understood, what has happened after all ? First in the material world you are lured by many attractions, then you switch to the spiritual world and again you turn to material world, here, we have to understand seriously that what is this attraction or ras after all ? 
                  Friends, Ras means experiencing  happiness and satisfaction, whose string is tied to newness. Like in the material world, we want to eat some new and tasty food every day, are impressed with colorful and stylish clothes now and then, just the same way, even in the spiritual   world, we are eager to get new experiences as soon as possible. We feel pleasure in every new experience. You stay there uptill you feel new experiences rendering pleasure easily. But as soon as difficulty approaches you or hurdles appear, you tend to turn in the opposite direction. That means you get defeated in your endeavour.            Friends, in such a situation, we have to think deeply on this point and understand that there is attraction in the material world as well as in the spiritual world. You stick there wherever you get the pleasure easily wether material or spiritual. But when you don't find it then you start getting bored with the monotony, whether it be material or the spiritual world. Now you must first understand whether it is better to be engrossed in the material realm or in the spiritual realm.
                    So understand well that the material realm is not permanent. It is temporary, changeable, changing every moment. We cannot stop it, we cannot hold it even if we want to. None of it will stay with us forever. So switching to the spiritual realm will be the best option because whatever we will get from there will be permanent at least and will always be with us. Now you have to be firm and decide that you have started trying to achieve the new experience which you are interested in. Whether you attain it or not, you should keep on trying to fulfill your objective. If you keep moving towards your goal by being equally determined in both positive and negative situations, then no one can stop you from being successful in the field of spirituality. Even in adverse circumstances, condition of the mind should not change, maintain control over it. This condition proves that you are mentally stable. This is the true penance. Now you are ready for any situation because you have achieved mental stability which will prove to be a big milestone in the path of spiritual journey. 


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