National Chest Conference in Delhi Led by Geetanjali Hospital's TB and Chest Department Physicians

( 4592 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 12 Oct, 23 16:10

National Chest Conference in Delhi Led by Geetanjali Hospital's TB and Chest Department Physicians

In New Delhi, at the country's largest National Chest Conference, "Napcon," physicians from Geetanjali Medical College and Hospital's TB and Chest Department assumed the chairmanship of various sessions. Notably, Dr. S.K. Luhadiya presided over a symposium on Interstitial Lung Disease and Pulmonary Alveolar Hemorrhage. Dr. Rishi Kumar Sharma chaired a session based on Tuberculosis Prevalence and Shorter Regimens for Drug-Sensitive TB.

In addition, discussions took place on Impulse Oscillometry for the Modern Assessment of CPD and Asthma patients. Dr. Atul Luhadiya presided over discussions on topics related to valve and surgical management in Nemothorax disease. The conference also featured e-poster presentation sessions, where physicians served as judges.

This conference witnessed the active participation of chest and TB specialists from across the country and abroad.

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