Mahavira: Not only worshiped, also to be imbibed in Life

( 2233 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 20 Apr, 24 07:04

- Lalit Garg -

Mahavira: Not only worshiped, also to be imbibed in Life

The entire life of Mahavira is a living inspiration for the rise of self and others. He has illuminated millions and millions of people with his aura of positivity. Therefore becoming a Mahavir is a symbol of the meaning of life. To become a Mahavir means to lead a healthy life, to develop immunity, to illuminate the soul and become a person who is self-reliant. Every year we celebrate the birth anniversary of Lord Mahavir, but this year the birth anniversary has to be purposeful, not mere planning. For this, every person should do spiritual practice to look within himself, Mahavir is not only worshiped, but should be imbibed in life. It is necessary that we inculcate the teachings given by Mahavira in our life and practice.

Every person prepares to become a Mahavir, then only one can get rid of problems. Mahavir can only become a person who is completely devoted to the goal, whose lifestyle is restrained and disciplined, who has the capacity to bear the sufferings. One who can maintain equanimity, restraint and balance even in adverse circumstances, who is ready to practice silence and heat the body. In whose mind there is a feeling of coexistence towards the whole being. One who not only knows how to change his destiny through effort, but also wishes for a bright future for the entire humanity.

Mahavir was born centuries ago, but his life and teachings are more effective and relevant in today's time of crisis and many diseases. Mahavir is a wave of health-evolution, a smokeless crest of healthy life-light. There is an unnamed river of courage and restraint. There was a hint of eternity in his dialogues. His lifestyle was so dominant that he would have been bound by a once-living. There was such a brilliance in his eyes that the one who saw him once could not forget. There was such an invitation in his call for a healthy life that it could not be ignored. His guidance was so perfect that the one who found him could never go astray. His presence was so inspiring that one would get transformed. He said 'appana sacchameseja' - find the truth yourself. He did not make anyone run with the help of crutches. If you have the ability to walk on your feet, then you can walk whenever you want and reach wherever you want. He not only illuminated the way, but also created the inner light. These are all the reasons that remind us of Mahavira.

Mahavira believed in a healthy life. They lived on their own. He also taught others to live in himself. They were healthy. No disease could touch him. He gave many sources of health. One of them was the formula – Kayotsarga. Kayotsarga means purification of the body, maintenance of the body, purity and restraint towards the body. Kayotsarga is also the starting point of sadhana and it is also the final point. This is the first understanding of health and the final conclusion. It is the shield for emergency situations involving the body. It is the use of stress-immersion and is free from all sorrows.

Mahavira's sadhana period lasted twelve and a half years. In it he repeatedly used kayotsarga. The wearer of protective armor or bulletproof jacket does not have the fear of being shot, similarly after going into deep Kayotsarga, the effect of adverse conditions of major diseases and deadly and life-threatening attacks is attenuated. Like Mahavira, one who practices Kayotsarga becomes healthy-hearted, becomes light and can lead a happy life by being absorbed in expansive meditation.

The person who wants to get rid of various kinds of diseases, wants to become healthy and has to take medicine in the form of Kayotsarga. Mahavira had the science of medicine whose constituent elements are not mentioned in medical science, he gave such an unfading system of health, which is as easy as it is difficult. Kayotsarga is a type of penance. In which physical restlessness and anger etc. have to be immersed. The focus has to be on the breath. Is the mind fickle or the restlessness of the mind is the mind. On the basis of this concept, it seems difficult to stop the restlessness of the mind.

In the practice of Kayotsarga, words like relaxation, shavasana or relaxation for the body are used. Kayotsarga is such a door, from where one can get a glimpse of the soul, a feeling of existence apart from the gross body. In Kayotsarga, the body and mind get complete relaxation. There are many misconceptions about Jainism in the public. Jainism is a religion that hurts the body. Mahavira talks of giving rest to the body. How can the principle of suffering be valid in such a situation? Any austerity or penance does not mean to cause pain to the body, but to cultivate the body. The mind cannot be controlled without the body. Therefore, through yogic processes, a way has been made to cultivate the body.

Kayotsarga has a special significance in the field of spirituality. Its usefulness in medical science is also undeniable. Kayotsarga also plays a big role in various investigations done by the modern equipment of medical science. In every medical examination, it is advised to leave the body a little loose and slow down the breathing, it is said to leave the mouth loose even during the extraction of teeth. In case of high blood pressure, it can be balanced by kayotsarga. Unbalanced lifestyle and stress are the major problems of this time. Small and big, rich and poor, everyone is surrounded by this tension. This is a problem for which doctors do not even have a cure. Kayotsarga can be a permanent solution to the problem of stress and fear. If Kayotsarga is done regularly, then there will be no leave for tension and fear to arise. Through Kayotsarga, both body and mind can be kept healthy. Kayotsarga is a mantra for self-meditation, in the same way, health is also a mantra for spiritual practice.

In modern life, the practice of silence, mantra cultivation and restraint is very useful. Silence gives rest, happiness comes. But the glory of silence that is accompanied by Kayotsarga is different. Be it silence, meditation, fasting or any other restraint ritual, all have a useful place in getting rid of diseases. Those who want physical, mental and spiritual health, want to avoid epidemics and diseases, they should use this great mantra Kayotsarga of Mahavira. Kayotsarga is medicine and highway to health. Anyone following this can lead a healthy life.

Lord Mahavira is truly a shining beam of light and the founder of universal religion. He is the savior of the human mind of this creation. Mahavir had given maximum emphasis on fasting, restraint and character. Mahavir's entire life is the culmination of austerity and meditation, so he is self-motivated. The teachings of the Lord are life-giving in which the solution of life's problems is contained. Lord Mahavira is Chinmaya Deepak (a lamp that has the never lasting illumination light) The lamp removes the darkness, but the usefulness of the Chinmaya lamp to defeat the darkness of ignorance is undeniable. In fact, Mahavira's discourses and teachings are millions of beams of light. In order to be flooded with the rays of knowledge, it is necessary to immerse in them, only then we will be able to move towards a healthy life.


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