##Arrival of Rain

( 2382 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 22 Jun, 24 08:06

##Arrival of Rain

For the past few days, the rains have made their presence felt in Indore.
Ah! What can I say...!
I was just gazing at the plants by the window, thinking how they wilt in the heat. I was planning to refresh them with water when suddenly, the weather turned unpredictable. I've seen people change, but the weather...???
Oh no, no... this kind of unpredictability in the weather is something we like. The way the clouds gather and rumble, these cotton-like clouds transformed their appearance so quickly, as if they were fully prepared for Mission Rain.
I've heard of turning from black to white, but today I saw white turning black. We kept spreading our palms to see if the rain had arrived, because we had rolled out the red carpet for it long ago, but its tantrums seemed endless.
Just as I was about to pull my hand back in disappointment, I felt a sudden jolt (just like in the movies), and a plump drop fell angrily on my palm. I asked, "Why are you so red and angry? We have made such good arrangements to welcome you."
It replied, "Falling from such a height will break my bones; it's fun for you but a punishment for me," and then it jumped off my palm.
As soon as it did that, another drop followed, as if it was waiting for the first one to jump. Well, such things happen...!
Before the rain, during the rain, and after the rain, the weather indeed becomes pleasant. The surroundings look as if nature itself is adorned like a new bride.
Everyone views these moments, these scenes in their own way. Some pick up their pens to write, while others hum sweet melodies of union. Some weave poetry, while others paint vivid imaginations. Truly, the arrival of the monsoon is akin to the arrival of love.
There’s so much more to write, but I'll stop here, lest the third drop shoots an unexpected arrow of questions!

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