###Don't Worry About Acquired Epilepsy: Treatment is Possible

( 2462 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 05 Jul, 24 05:07

Don't Worry About Acquired Epilepsy: Treatment is Possible with Unani Medicine - Dr. Liyaqat Ali Mansury*

###Don't Worry About Acquired Epilepsy: Treatment is Possible

Epilepsy can be caused by a parasitic infection of the tapeworm **Taenia solium** in the brain and spinal cord, part of the central nervous system. This parasite infects the large intestines and is commonly known as the pork tapeworm. When it enters the central nervous system, neurological symptoms like epilepsy begin to appear.

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### Types of Infection

1. **Primary Hosting (Taeniasis):**
   - **Cause:** Eating undercooked pork containing cysts.
   - **Diagnosis:** Examining feces for eggs under a microscope.
   - **Treatment:** Easily treated with appropriate medication.

2. **Secondary Hosting (Cysticercosis):**
   - **Cause:** Consuming food or water contaminated with feces from an infected person, leading to ingestion of tapeworm eggs.
   - **Symptoms:** Seizures, headaches, nausea, vomiting, confusion, stiff neck, weakness, neuropsychiatric disturbances, and other neurological issues.
   - **Diagnosis:** Using imaging techniques like CT scans, MRI, and blood tests (ELISA).


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### Symptoms
- Seizures
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Confusion
- Stiff neck
- Weakness
- Neuropsychiatric disturbances

### Causes
- Consuming undercooked food, especially pork.
- Drinking water contaminated with tapeworm eggs.
- Poor hygiene practices.

### Diagnosis
- Serology tests
- Neuroimaging (CT scan, MRI)

### Unani Medicine Treatment
Dr. Liyaqat Ali Mansury recommends using Unani medicine for treating neurocysticercosis, which includes:
- **Arq Mundi**
- **Sharbat Ustokhuddus**
- **Habbe Didan**
- **Majun Nujah**
- **Habbe Sara**

**Note:** Treatment should be administered by an experienced doctor.


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