###Like Humans, Animals and Birds Also Have the Right to Live

( 1684 बार पढ़ी गयी)
Published on : 15 Jul, 24 01:07

Manmohan Kumar Arya, Dehradun

###Like Humans, Animals and Birds Also Have the Right to Live

The Supreme Being has created various life forms according to the actions of living beings. Due to our good deeds in previous lives, we have been granted human birth in this life. Those with better deeds than ours were born to better families, while those with fewer good deeds received less favorable conditions. Those with more sinful deeds than good were born into lower life forms such as animals, birds, and other creatures. These non-human entities are also experiencing the fruits of their previous actions, just like humans.

Just as humans have the right to live freely and perform good or bad deeds as they choose, other creatures also have the right to live their lives and exhaust their karma. Afterward, they are reborn in other appropriate forms based on their remaining karma.

**Vedic Beliefs:**

Vedic philosophy holds that all living beings can be born into any life form based on their karma. Humans, endowed with wisdom and discernment from the Supreme Being, should draw inspiration from the Vedas to perform righteous deeds and avoid obstructing other beings' karma. Doing so will increase one's good deeds, leading to happiness and welfare in this and future lives.

**Maharishi Dayanand's Teachings:**

Maharishi Dayanand revived the Vedas and taught that the soul, being conscious, is endowed with knowledge and action. The Supreme Being is omnipresent and omniscient, while the soul, being limited, is less knowledgeable. Through study and worship, the soul can increase its knowledge but can never be omniscient. Humans cannot discern the truth in all matters; thus, the Vedas are considered the ultimate authority in matters of duty and morality.

**Purpose of Arya Samaj:**

Arya Samaj was established by Maharishi Dayanand to disseminate the true message of the Vedas. By spreading Vedic knowledge, human ignorance can be eradicated, leading to universal happiness. Arya Samaj continues this mission today.

**Cosmic Justice:**

The universe, created by the Supreme Being, is governed by His laws. He is the true judge of all actions and provides the fruits of karma without bias. Understanding the law of karma, humans should always strive to accept the truth and reject falsehood, leading a meaningful life.

**Human Responsibility:**

Humans should study Vedic texts and scriptures to understand their duties and the nature of the soul and the Supreme Being. Engaging in worship and righteous actions leads to the ultimate goal of Moksha (liberation), which cannot be attained without realizing the Supreme Being. This realization is achieved through meditation and the practice of Ashtanga Yoga.

**Respect for All Life:**

A true practitioner of Ashtanga Yoga becomes completely non-violent, treating all creatures, including animals and birds, as friends. Such a person provides a safe and happy environment for all beings. Historical examples show that even wild animals abandon their violent nature towards non-violent humans.

**Animal Welfare:**

Instances of children pleading to save animals from slaughter highlight the natural compassion within humans. We should learn to love animals, as the Vedas teach us to see all beings as friends. Following Vedic principles can lead to the elimination of ignorance and universal happiness.


The Supreme Being is compassionate, and true joy can be attained only by embodying this compassion towards all beings. Being compassionate, loving, and empathetic towards all creatures is essential for being a true human. Just as we humans have the right to live, so do all animals and birds created by the Supreme Being. Understanding and practicing this will lead to the protection and happiness of all living beings.

Om Shanti.

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