At a prestigious event organized by the Indian Human Service Organization under the banner of Rajshree Verma, held at Mayor Hall in Andheri, Mumbai, Dr. Krishna Chauhan, a renowned film producer and director, was honored with the Dadasaheb Phalke Bharat Gaurav Award. The award was presented in the presence of notable personalities such as music composer Dilip Sen, union leader B.N. Tiwari, ACP Sanjay Patil, comedian Sunil Pal, and Abhijeet Rane.
Originally from Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, Dr. Krishna Chauhan has been an active figure in Bollywood for the past 20 years. He is recognized not only as a successful film director and a well-known social worker but also as a prominent personality in organizing awards functions. Dr. Chauhan began his career as an assistant director and has since created several ad films and music videos. Known for his commitment to giving opportunities to new talent, Dr. Krishna Chauhan was also recently awarded the Mom Dad Awards (2024) by ACP Sanjay Patil and actress Tina Ghai.