In a remarkable event held on September 5 in Bhilwara, BJP state general secretary and MP, Damodar Agarwal, was honored with the world’s longest turban by the Rajasthan Jan Manch. The turban, measuring 2,775 feet in length and covering 5,650 square feet, was a special attraction, drawing a massive crowd and sparking curiosity among the public. The giant, multicolored turban, standing 6 feet high and 4 feet wide, weighed 22.8 kilograms.
The event, led by Rajasthan Jan Manch President Kailash Soni, took place at the BJP district office in Bhilwara, with thousands of people in attendance. The live recording of the event added to its significance, and the unique turban quickly became the center of attention, with people flocking to take selfies.
Previously, the Guinness World Record for the longest turban was held by Betul, Madhya Pradesh, where a turban measuring 1,133 feet and covering 3,716 square feet was registered on August 26, 2022. This new creation in Bhilwara has surpassed the previous record, and efforts are underway to register the new feat.
The turban was specially prepared by Surendra Singh Chundawat Jogras and his team, who have been tying turbans for over 20 years. Kailash Soni, already a record-holder for several world records, including the world’s largest roti and the longest flower garland, continues his streak of remarkable achievements with this latest accomplishment.