Udaipur, In a stirring address at a recent ceremony held at the Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University, Captain Yogendra Yadav, a recipient of the Param Vir Chakra for his bravery in the Kargil War, shared his profound insights on nation building and the pivotal role of youth.
Captain Yadav emphasized that a nation's foundation is laid by the sacrifices of its martyrs. He underscored the importance of maintaining both physical and mental well-being to unlock the boundless energy within oneself, which drives passion, performance, and positivity. He remarked that the Indian philosophy of self-discovery and spiritual connection helps individuals achieve extraordinary feats through discipline and spiritual alignment.
During the event, organized jointly by Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University and the IMCTEF Udaipur Chapter, Captain Yadav spoke about setting life goals and achieving success through Indian philosophical teachings. He also highlighted the significance of nature, environment, spirituality, and discipline in achieving personal and professional success.
The Vice Chancellor, Prof. S. S. Sarangdevot, highlighted India's diverse cultural heritage and the role of the Indian Army in ensuring peace and security. He encouraged individuals to express their love for the country through their actions and to contribute to nation-building by fulfilling their duties and responsibilities.
Guniwant Kothari, the head of IMCTEF, discussed how Indian values and culture have provided the world with true spiritual knowledge. He emphasized that contemporary global challenges can find solutions in Indian traditions and that conveying these values to the younger generation is crucial for building a nation rich in heritage and leadership.
The ceremony included a tribute to all martyrs honored with the highest military decorations, with Dr. Hitesh Gandharv and Dr. Shivangi presenting patriotic songs. The event was attended by prominent figures including Ranu Singvi, Dr. Tarun Shrimali, and many faculty members and students from the university.
The session concluded with a vote of thanks from Dr. Tarun Shrimali, and the proceedings were managed by Dr. Rachna Rathore.