On the auspicious occasion of the birthday of All India Congress Committee's National General Secretary and former Deputy Chief Minister, Sachin Pilot, on Saturday, September 7, 2024, a cow service program was organized at the Ashok Nagar Moksha Dham Gaushala by Gogunda Zila Parishad member Kamini Gurjar, with State General Secretary Lal Singh Ji Jhala as the chief guest. During the event, Congress members worshipped cows, offering porridge, jaggery, and green grass to nearly 200 cows in the Gaushala.
The entire meal for the cows was provided in honor of Pilot's birthday, marking a noble act of service. A cake-cutting ceremony followed, where attendees celebrated by sharing sweets and praying for Pilot's long life.
Titu Suthar mentioned the presence of key individuals, including Dinesh Shrimali, Gopal Singh Chauhan, Kamal Chaudhary, Harshvardhan Singh Kelawat, Ronak Garg, Rekha Dangi, Tulsi Meghwal, Harisingh Jhala, Kalu Gurjar, Ghanshyam Dhabhai, Kishan Gurjar, Ajeet Chaudhary, Rajesh Daya, Anil Pancholi, Anand Kunwar, Geeta Suwalka, Jashoda Verma, Palak, Hamida, and Lalit Gurjar.