What is Bowen's disease __
Bowen's disease is a superficial cancer of the skin. It appears as one or more small patches of scaly red skin, cracked, flat, bleeding, ulcerated. These patches grow slowly. It does not spread deep into the skin or to other parts of the body. Since the cells of this type of cancer remain only in the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, and do not invade other cells, it does not cause serious problems. This disease is also called "cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma in situ". Cutaneous squamous cells form the outer part of the skin. Carcinoma means cancer, and 'in situ' means 'in place'. Since it occurs in the outer skin, it is also called 'pre-cancer'.
Where on the body does Bowen's disease target__
Exposed skin that is often exposed to the sun, such as__legs below the knee, neck or face, under or around the nails, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, around the anus, genital area.
Bowen's disease that occurs on the penis is called erythroplasia of Queyrat. Bowen's disease that affects the genitals or anus may be more likely to develop into skin cancer than Bowen's disease that occurs in other locations
Bowen's disease can be caused by:
Long periods of sun exposure, using sunbeds, having previously received radiotherapy treatment, immunosuppression such as having AIDS, or being treated for cancer, or having had an organ transplant or taking medicines to suppress the immune system, infection with human papillomavirus (HPV), previous skin injury. If you have previously had an injury to your skin that has caused persistent long-term skin damage or scarring, you may be at increased risk of developing Bowen's disease in that area, inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema People with chronic skin inflammation may develop Bowen's disease.
Who is most likely to get Bowen's disease__
Women more than men, people over age 60, people with fair skin, people with skin exposed to the sun, people who have previously had one of a group of skin cancers called non-melanoma skin cancers may be more likely to get Bowen's disease.
Diagnosing Bowen's disease__
A small sample of skin (biopsy) is taken to look for Bowman cells.
Herbal Unani medicine __
1. Use of cream on the skin _ Zinc powder, Salicylic acid powder, Nosadar, Sartan, Kushta e Abhrak etc. are mixed together to make a paste with Kalonji oil and applied on the affected area in the morning and evening.
2. In Unani medicine, medicines are given in the form of compounds. As all medicines are given by making Majun with honey and Kalonji oil it contains camphor, white sandal, red sandal, yellow sandal, Tukhm-e-Kahu, Samag-e-Arabi, Gum Katira, Tabasheer, Gul-e-Surkh, Aslussos Mukashshar, Rubbussos, Nishasta, Khurfa black, Maghi Tukhm-e-Kadu Shirin, Magj Tukhm-e-Kharain, Magj Tukhm-e-Kharpaja, Tukhm-e-Khashkhsh white, Sartan Muharrak, Lauk Isabgol, Kushta-e-Heerak, Kushta-e-Emerald, Kushta-e-Suvarn, Ras Kapoor, Sarveshwar Parapati, Kushta-e-Copper, White Muri, Punarnava, Saragva, Vayavarun, Yashti Madhu, Giloy, Ardushi, Turmeric, Pippali, Sandalwood, Mulethi, It is made by mixing bottle gourd etc. For proper treatment, one should consult an experienced Unani doctor.
Prevention __
Avoid excessive sunlight, especially between 11 am to 3 pm, cover the body with clothes and wide hat while going out in the sun, apply sunscreen for children or people with fair skin, which also has high UVA protection.